Friday, November 18, 2011


I have became into a realization that,
No matter how polite and giving you are
Life always have something bad or good for you
One thing you're going to have to understand is to
Accept what it throws at you and be proud that you have
Experienced it now, then later. No one was promised with good or
Bad things to enter their life, they were promised that things
Will just happen so, learn to accept life and it's beauty 

In life people should all be given chances and give chances
The more chances you give and get the more you'll understand
Life and the beautiful side of living which people fail to see
The best part of living is falling in love with a random person
Many of us humans take love as a competition, but it's not
Falling in love with someone is not about winning someone
And it's also not about winning a relationship, When it comes to love
No one wins, falling in love is about being happy for you and them
Because you know you've loved someone from the bottom of your heart

True love is a decision to take a chance with someone
Give chances and accept chances because no one is perfect
You can sit there and say you're waiting for the right person
If no one is perfect and all humans are equal and make mistakes
Where will that special person you claim to be out there come from
Never let fear blind you from seeing the beauty of life and the offerings
Love forever give and take chances that life throws at you everyday.