Wednesday, August 10, 2011


She's a little thing, but when she loves,
She loves from the bottom of herself
She even forget who she is or what she deserves
She doesn't have a limit when it comes to love
She's welling to love all if she didn't have a partner 
Who thinks for her and see what is right or wrong

The heart always wants something and the mind jumps in
Asking herself weather to follow the heart or not
The quote of "follow your heart" why when you follow it
You end up somewhere far far away from where you were
Everyone is bigger than the heart, yet we follow what she says
Keep in consideration that the heart just loves to love
One thing you can do is use your mind to set everything straight
You shouldn't fear to love, but use your mind to collect facts

The good part about your heart is, it never gets mad no matter what 
Therefore, its your mind's job to get mad and force the heart to be
Just like how your parents are tough on you when they think;
You're heading to the wrong direction. The mind just acts the same
There are many who get taken advantage of and those are the ones 
Who don't think, they keep going back to the people who hurt them
Once you take a sit with your mind, think about what you went through
Then you will know how to stop your heart from loving that person
That doesn't mean you're going to hate them you're simply learning  
Not to LOVE nor HATE since both words are the strongest words

When I said, "not to love" I basically mean 
Before you jump into love make sure you're sure
Meaning you have thought it through using your mind
Before you follow the heart itself because if you 
Follow your heart before thinking you could be going deep
When you're hurt learn to forgive who hurt you and never
Give them your heart 100% if you decided to give them another chance
You don't want to get hurt again then don't try another path with them
If they did before then there is no guarantee they won't do it again
Use your mind to protect your heart.

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