Friday, November 18, 2011


I have became into a realization that,
No matter how polite and giving you are
Life always have something bad or good for you
One thing you're going to have to understand is to
Accept what it throws at you and be proud that you have
Experienced it now, then later. No one was promised with good or
Bad things to enter their life, they were promised that things
Will just happen so, learn to accept life and it's beauty 

In life people should all be given chances and give chances
The more chances you give and get the more you'll understand
Life and the beautiful side of living which people fail to see
The best part of living is falling in love with a random person
Many of us humans take love as a competition, but it's not
Falling in love with someone is not about winning someone
And it's also not about winning a relationship, When it comes to love
No one wins, falling in love is about being happy for you and them
Because you know you've loved someone from the bottom of your heart

True love is a decision to take a chance with someone
Give chances and accept chances because no one is perfect
You can sit there and say you're waiting for the right person
If no one is perfect and all humans are equal and make mistakes
Where will that special person you claim to be out there come from
Never let fear blind you from seeing the beauty of life and the offerings
Love forever give and take chances that life throws at you everyday. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

I love you!

That one I love you, he says
Never fall for it until it comes with
Actions and not just simple ones,
But the ones you would ask yourself
He did all of these things just for me?
Keep in mind that a person will say
Anything just to get something from you

They can simply say they love you, but 
At the time it didn't mean anything at all
Is better for the two of you to fall and fall out
Than falling in yourself and give it your best
When he's not giving it his best and if he is
Then he's doing it to get what you have
Even though it's hard to find the perfect one
Just wait and he will show up by your door

Never show a man your weakness 
Because your weakness is yours...
Not for anyone else to know and use it
They will use it against you of course 
We love to hear what we want to hear
Sometimes what we want to hear is...
Something we shouldn't, but it is what
The ear wants, when it's unnecessary
Simply hear it from the right and let out on the left
Just never fall for that ONE "I love you"
That you have been wanting to hear
Let him say it and mean it not just say it.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


She's a little thing, but when she loves,
She loves from the bottom of herself
She even forget who she is or what she deserves
She doesn't have a limit when it comes to love
She's welling to love all if she didn't have a partner 
Who thinks for her and see what is right or wrong

The heart always wants something and the mind jumps in
Asking herself weather to follow the heart or not
The quote of "follow your heart" why when you follow it
You end up somewhere far far away from where you were
Everyone is bigger than the heart, yet we follow what she says
Keep in consideration that the heart just loves to love
One thing you can do is use your mind to set everything straight
You shouldn't fear to love, but use your mind to collect facts

The good part about your heart is, it never gets mad no matter what 
Therefore, its your mind's job to get mad and force the heart to be
Just like how your parents are tough on you when they think;
You're heading to the wrong direction. The mind just acts the same
There are many who get taken advantage of and those are the ones 
Who don't think, they keep going back to the people who hurt them
Once you take a sit with your mind, think about what you went through
Then you will know how to stop your heart from loving that person
That doesn't mean you're going to hate them you're simply learning  
Not to LOVE nor HATE since both words are the strongest words

When I said, "not to love" I basically mean 
Before you jump into love make sure you're sure
Meaning you have thought it through using your mind
Before you follow the heart itself because if you 
Follow your heart before thinking you could be going deep
When you're hurt learn to forgive who hurt you and never
Give them your heart 100% if you decided to give them another chance
You don't want to get hurt again then don't try another path with them
If they did before then there is no guarantee they won't do it again
Use your mind to protect your heart.

Friday, June 24, 2011

No bad lucks.

When you feel like you're in a locked cage
You can always find the key and unlock it
People may blame everything on a bad luck or God
You should be the one blaming yourself 
Because if you didn't do something
Nothing like what happened would have never happened
 I know you may disagree with me but its the truth
 lets say you're going through a few problems
If you keep thinking about them and not do anything
Then you're doing nothing but depressing yourself
 so beat your negative thoughts into positive actions
 That's the only way to solve whatever it is you're facing
There is an easy way to get rid of negative thoughts
 simply do what you enjoy doing to block the thoughts

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Beautiful People

I would start off with good people only, but in this world 
GOOD or BAD people do exist keep in mind 
There are time changes where the Good could turn Bad
Bad could turn Good, so keep your eyes open
Love all and remember to trust very few
Your heart is the most important part in your well made body
also protect your heart from good or bad people
As I said the good can easily turn on you
Even though good or bad people are around
they're still humans and all humans are beautiful people
Being good doesn't mean you don't do bad
Being bad doesn't mean you don't do good we all do both 
never let your lips call out someone as a bad person 
And forget what you could be good at some times
At some point you the good person can be dirty 
I myself learned to love all and not trust all
Let me tell you how this world is a nasty place
Your own family (blood) can absolutely turn on you
forget the outsiders life on this earth is not easy
I want all to know that we're all beautiful because
there are times where we will do the same as others
(good or bad) we're still the same people who
were made in one man's hands
Bad could be good Good could be bad
Just know that we're all BEAUTIFUL people

Thursday, May 26, 2011

All of a sudden you changed

what are you who are you; what do you want in life
that you can't really find right here where I am
You were here all of a sudden gone and never returning
what ever you want is here and will always be here
 I choose you; you don't have to dance, laugh, or play alone
 I'm here to do all that with you and will always be here
Believing in something is always the best thing to do therefore,
Faith will let us meet again you will find new friends wherever 
But will never find a friend like me who is welling to do all for you
I will just tell you don't worry about me I'm doing just fine 
When you return you will find me waiting on you as you left me, go on
I just wonder how one's feelings can fall apart that fast
sometimes I ask myself if the feelings were even there
I'm not saying I wish I never met you because I learned a lot 
but I'm saying how come I didn't let it pass instead of crashing in it
Go on my dear enjoy it, but I'm hopping you'd return

Monday, May 23, 2011

Unexplainable love

You said it again and again
when will you truly mean it?
I had this beautiful dream that you were my king
Until I woke up and found out I was dreaming
when the dream was over 
thats when reality sets in
We humans are scared to get hurt, we can't take the pain
We prefer to fall in love in our dreams than in a real life
We will always be together
until our dreams die forever
Then I can't see you anymore because, you won't be in my dreams
then the reality kicks in, and you're by my side I look at you hoping 
That what you're telling me aren't lies, 
hoping I can read between the lines 
I was always contemplating whether your love is real or not 
With you its really hard to see who you are and how you feel
I sit around and hope for happiness
Wondering if you're the one to give it
To heal a broken heart, is not an ordinary choice you suffer to heal
Depressing yourself is not a rightful way to heal your broken heart
I thought it was love, but lied to myself
believing you was the mistake I made
I don't understand how you can be so indecisively cruel; do you care for
my well being, or if this is just an illusion to fill temporary satisfaction
I haven't found anyone better for me than you
and I'm too stubborn to call you on the phone
How did we even get in to this mess that we can't escape from
we'll see each other again and if that chance happens I'd give it a shot