Monday, May 23, 2011

Unexplainable love

You said it again and again
when will you truly mean it?
I had this beautiful dream that you were my king
Until I woke up and found out I was dreaming
when the dream was over 
thats when reality sets in
We humans are scared to get hurt, we can't take the pain
We prefer to fall in love in our dreams than in a real life
We will always be together
until our dreams die forever
Then I can't see you anymore because, you won't be in my dreams
then the reality kicks in, and you're by my side I look at you hoping 
That what you're telling me aren't lies, 
hoping I can read between the lines 
I was always contemplating whether your love is real or not 
With you its really hard to see who you are and how you feel
I sit around and hope for happiness
Wondering if you're the one to give it
To heal a broken heart, is not an ordinary choice you suffer to heal
Depressing yourself is not a rightful way to heal your broken heart
I thought it was love, but lied to myself
believing you was the mistake I made
I don't understand how you can be so indecisively cruel; do you care for
my well being, or if this is just an illusion to fill temporary satisfaction
I haven't found anyone better for me than you
and I'm too stubborn to call you on the phone
How did we even get in to this mess that we can't escape from
we'll see each other again and if that chance happens I'd give it a shot

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